Free •Floating Toucher Pro v2.0.2

Floating Toucher Pro v2.0.2

Android Market App

: 2.3

Android Market App

: Floating Toucher designed. Floating Toucher button floats screen over other apps, .

Floating Toucher contains most commonly used switches system installed apps, control app easily without exiting current app.

Besides that, make by:

1. Customizing functions, pick commonly used switches apps

2. Creating folder

3. Changing button style, button.

4. Changing 's color, color.

5. Set list hide .

6. Customize action .

Free •Floating Toucher Pro v2.0.2


1. Clear memory

2. Back/Home button(Need ROOT)

3. Favor apps

4. Recent apps

5. System switches

-Screen brightness

-Ring mode




-APN(Mobile network)



-Airplan mode

-WIFI hotspot


Why I cannot uninstall Floating Toucher?

The "Lock screen" feature requires activating device administrator, security settings before installing.

There ways it:

1. Open floating touch, go page, find the "Uninstall" option. (Recommend)

2. First, go to "System settings" -> "Security settings" -> "Device administrators" deactivate "Floating Toucher", then uninstall Floating Toucher normal way.

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What's New

V2.0.2 & V2.0.1 update:

1. Fix FC bugs devices.

V2.0 update:

1. Support 3 panels.

2. Support au point icon apps.

3. Support customizing point click action.

4. Support app drawer.

5. Fix bug: ROOT

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6. icons available.

7. Shop

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Download Free •Floating Toucher Pro v2.0.2

: Unlocked Pro

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