Android Market App
: Android 2.3.3Android Market App
: Many Samsung devices store a flash counter track many times flashed *custom* firmwares device.Description
Many Samsung devices store a flash counter track many times flashed *custom* firmwares device. devices, a yellow triangle sort warning displayed during boot if running a *custom* firmware. TriangleAway was built (if a visual warning is present) ROM flash counter . T requires root ! find out status flash counter and firmware state (custom) into "download mode" on most devices. way into "download mode" first turning off , then turning VolDown+(Home)+Power. Alternatively, the "adb reboot download" command also often works.
When TriangleAway, if and firmware, show detected state binary (custom) counter value, option to "Reset flash counter". Please confirm information shown is correct before resetting .
On a number , TriangleAway , but may supported directly. case, needs in special boot mode, which happen if "Reset flash counter". The device in special mode which review status counter values (or abort nothing). devices t actually trigger the counter if its 0 - so if you're "just checking", do download mode!
( brick I mean brick - board replacement JTAG un be able you, don't mess(loader) stuff unless you *really* mean it! )
Note#1: using Triangle Away may unmount card. Reboot remount Android settings.
Note#2: devices status be reset firmwares!
Supported devices:
SG S2:
- GT-I9100 **
- Sprint Epic 4G Touch
- Korea SHW-M250K/L/S
SG S3:
- GT-I9300/I9300T **
- GT-I9305/I9305T/I9305N LTE **
- USA: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mo, VZW (unlock bootloader !), USCC, MetroPCS, Cricket, CSpire
- Canada
- Korea: SHV-E210K/L/S, SHW-M440S
SG S4:
- GT-I9505
- USA: AT&T, VZW, Sprint, T-Mo, USCC
- Canada
SG Note:
- GT-N7000
- GT-I9220
SG Note 2:
- GT-N7100/N7100T/N7102/N7105/N7105T **
- USA: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mo, VZW (unlock bootloader !), USCC
- Canada: I317M, T889V
- Korea: SHV-E250K/L/S **
SG Note 3 (4.4+):
- GT-N9005
- USA: T-Mobile, Sprint
- Canada: SM-N900W8
- Asia: SM-N900S/2/6/8/9
SG Note 8.0":
- GT-N5100 3G **
- GT-N511x Wi-Fi **
- GT-N5120 LTE **
SG Note 10.1":
- GT-N8000 3G **
- GT-N801x Wi-Fi **
- GT-N8020 LTE **
- SHW-M480S/K/W **
SG Camera EK-GC100 **
SG Tab 2:
- GT-P310x 7" 3G
- GT-P311x 7" Wi-Fi
- GT-P510x 10.1" 3G
- GT-P511x 10.1" Wi-Fi
- I8160, I8190
- I9070/P
- I9082
- I9260
- S7500, S7560, S7562
** Various models depending, but exact models listed regardless
Free •Root Triangle Away FULL v3.25
.Whether Triangle Away works may depend kernel, try flashing a different one if 't work.
Please also note devices set boot if you a custom kernel. devices, Triangle Away may always display 1 - make sure download mode.
What's New
- Updated support SGS4 Qualcomm family: Android 4.4.2
- Added support Note3 Qualcomm family 4.4.2 (only)
--- Note3 QC INTL GT-N9005
--- Note3 QC T-Mobile SM-N900T (untested)
--- Note3 QC Sprint SM-N900P (untested)
--- Note3 QC Canadia SM-N900W8 (untested)
--- Note3 QC Asia SM-N900S/2/6/8/9 (untested)
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